
meJe suis comme je suis !!

Expat currently living in Vevey, Switzerland.

Born and brought up in The City Of Joy, Proud Calcatian, Voracious reader , Avid quizzer , Information addict , Gastronome , Cinephile, রবীন্দ্রানুরাগী , Travel Buff , Amateur golfer , Reluctant blogger, die-hard Manchester United supporter and ohhh forgot to mention a strategy consultant by profession !!

3 thoughts on “About

  1. So you decided to join the small clan of Uncle Spike followers, sometimes known as The Spikey’s…. That makes me a happy blogger now – I really appreciate you making that special mouse click.

    Hope you like my upcoming posts and if you get bored one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too.

    If you have any likes, dislikes or suggestions about my blog, just let me know, either through ‘comments’ or via email. Always welcome reader input 🙂

    Out of interest, did you stumble upon my blog from my checking out yours, or from my India posts? (http://unclespikes.wordpress.com/category/travel-adventures/asia-travel-adventures/)

    Have a great old day…


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